Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The road reaches every place, 
the short cut only one,
a hard space between  
the rock and a brick wall.

The short cut, only one
Oceanside cave opening.
The rock and a brick wall
yield to you, beach primrose.

Oceanside cave opening,
crashing waves of darkness
yield to you, beach primrose.
Wind and sand, like diamond cutters.

Crashing waves of darkness.
Who can resist the shortcut?
Wind and sand, like diamond cutters,
polish my hardened heart.

Who can resist the shortcut?
A cautious entry into the cave of unknowing.
Polish my hardened heart.
When we linger and kiss salty lips, together,

a cautious entry into the cave of unknowing:
finest grains of sand transform to glass art.
When we linger and kiss salty lips, together,
our road reaches every place.