Saturday, May 19, 2012

May 2012

Spring is the time of almost-
the not yet
the not quite
slight tug
at shoots and roots alike.
Even when we know
every year the tight pink
Rhododendron bud
will always bloom
an unearthly white-
still, we anticipate
that Broadway sensation,
somethings comin’
don't know what
but it is gonna be great.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


In darkness, we are
but one being:
one bedblanketpillowdreamer,
from the closetwindownightmare
or the fourleggedsnoringsweetpea.
It is the moon
that separates us -
illuminates our differences
in muted shades
and variations of shadow.
It is the stars
that individuate.
It is dawn
that breaks us apart.
It is light
that distinguishes us
and sets the stage
for the long journey back
into oneness.