Eleanor and Quinn Hamilton, with metaphorical irony, passed away today, passed over this afternoon, April 12th, 2006, the eve of the first day of Passover. Pesach is a holiday of gratitude and thanksgiving. How can it be? This is the time to donate to the poor, to invite guests to share in celebration. Tonight, our grieving community all sit in our separate houses under the same full moon and indigo twilight, celebrating the same loss of two short lives. How can it be? Legend is that Elijah the Prophet dresses like a beggar to see if people will invite him in for dinner this night and show they are really ready for the coming of the Messiah.
Some of us sit around a Seder table, wondering why, trying to explain death to our children. Some of us sit miles away, candles lit in reverence, waiting for Friday when we will fly home to be with family and funerals. Some of us sit Shiva, of sorts, with the mother, the father, the brother. Some of us spend the night wrapped in a lover's arms, grateful for a shoulder to absorb our tears. Some of us sit alone. Me, I sit outside in the cool quiet night, with a bottle of Barefoot Cellars Premium Red Wine (one glass for Elijah) and a carton of Ben & Jerry's Coffee Heath Bar Crunch ice cream, not knowing how to celebrate, how to keep the angel of death away from me.
We celebrate this holiday to commemorate the freeing of the Jews from bondage in Egypt. Sacrifice a lamb, a sweet, innocent, baby lamb, and dot the blood over the doors of Jewish homes. The angel of death will pass over. "This night is different from all other nights because once we were slaves," withstanding bitterness, sweetened by the hope of freedom. Tonight we wonder about hope. How can it be? Angels of death. Twin angels with brief lives. Bitterness touches my tongue and dulls the moon. "Adonai our God, Ruler of the Universe, Who has kept us alive and well so that we can celebrate this special time." This night of loss...lives short lived. I raise my glass, silhouetted in moonlight, no tears, no time. How can it be? Are we ready now for the coming of the Messiah? Are we empty enough now for our salvation?
Beautiful and inspiring writing sister goddess!
ReplyDeleteAll I can think of is Gate, Gate! "No more tears, no more suffering....as we cross into the light" We go through darkness to follow the mystery, the light of resurrection and new beginnings.
The bear goddess